Monday, January 27, 2020
Effect of Foreign Workers in Malaysia
Effect of Foreign Workers in Malaysia Malaysias economy expanded rapidly in recent years. Giant development projects run smoothly. As a result, there is a wide range of employment opportunities and labor shortage problems. Malaysia is among 10 countries listed as the top employer of foreigners in the world. Nowadays, we can meet with foreign workers from Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Nepal, India and China who are working in various low-paying sectors such as laborers, factory workers and maids. The number of foreign workers in this country totaled to 1.85 million people with Indonesia immigrants of 1.2 million people followed by Nepal of 200,000 people. All of them include those from Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and countries in Africa. The problem of illegal immigrants is accepted in many developing countries and also in developed countries like the United State (U.S.) and Australia. U.S. for example, is addressing the crisis of illegal immigrants of 12 million people without v alid documents. Congress has approved legislation that outlines three key steps to address the problem of illegal immigrants: Repatriation of their native country, the construction of large-scale fence along the border of the United States and Mexico to block the entrance and also more severe criminal penalties on employers who hire them. According to economic experts, the U.S. economy would be crippled if the law is enforced because the majority of workers are concentrated in the agricultural sector and the construction of the immigrants. A recent study conducted by the American Federal Bureau of Plantation shows that actions against illegal immigrants would have resulted in a loss in the countrys agricultural production from $ 5 to U.S. $ 9 billion over the next three years and may reach U.S. $ 12 billion over the next four years. These foreign workers seek employments in countries with a lot of economic opportunities, particularly construction, farming, and business services. Foreign workers could be classified into two category; who came legally and illegal immigrants. FIRST CATEGORY The type of work for workers who come legally are generally determined for them, who their employer is, their place of residence and has been through various processes to meet the qualifications as an employee. They are then given a work permit which specify the duration of their work in this country. This type of category of workers has valid travel documents, free of contagious diseases, has a valid employment contract and does not bring many problems to the public. Employers are also more liable to provide shelter, food and medical services. SECOND CATEGORY Immigrants who do not go through the same processes as the first category. They also do not have valid travel documents, has a high risk of infectious diseases such as TB (tuberculosis) and easily exploitable. Government have to bear the cost of arrest and delivery of illegal immigrants to their home countries, simply because they were arrested for various immigration violations and criminal charges. The cases are more complicated as the image of negative implications on the country of origin of immigrants. REALITY Malaysia has become the focus of foreign immigrants who wish to seek lucrative income. But the entry of illegal immigrants has caused many problems. Public concern is not new immigrants. It arises due to the negative perception of the countrys population of this group is often associated with various social problems. But no worries it is not fundamentally. During the olden days, in the villages, the presence of illegal immigrants especially Indonesian immigrants are said to contribute to the occurrence of loss of property and burglary. On the other hand, Bangladesh immigrants cause parents and husbands to fear for the safety of their daughters and wives who might get tangled in a love affair. The main problem is the difficulty faced by the government to curb the entry of these illegal immigrants. Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), the Police and the Immigration Department have work hard to apprehend them. They are arrested and placed in temporary detention camp. The arrival of immigrants, especially those without licenses causes housing problems. They will establish a residential area illegally. Some migrant groups also open forest areas as housing areas. These slum areas are not organized and lack basic services such as waste disposal systems and wastewater. Thus, environmental pollution will occur. In addition, the development of our countr y will be futile due to the emergence of the squatters. The image of our country will be affected as this reflects the weakness of the government administration and distribution of economic imbalance. There is also a rich area of illegal settlements, complete with electricity, and water. The right of the people in Malaysia will be affected. Employers prefer to hire illegal immigrants in the plantation sector, construction, and domestic helpers because their salaries are much lower. This would affect the employment opportunities of our citizens even though not a lot are interested in this job. In addition, many of them engage in the business, such as food stalls, selling jewelry, decorative lights, batik and more. In fact, some of them have become rich, have large abode without paying large income tax. At a time when our currency fell in value tremendously, the employment opportunities become narrow; this is unfair to the citizen of Malaysia. The presence of those who is labeled as illegal immigrants do not just live in the countrys gold mine to find their income, but also harbor a variety of social problems, crime and health as well as other descendants in Malaysia. The problem of illegal immigrants is accepted in many developing countries as well as developed countries like U.S. and Australia. For example, laws has been implemented in the U.S., unfortunately, this law has many great opposition from those who fight for the rights of this group. Demonstrations involving thousands of tribes that support illegal immigrants on the 1st of May which they called as A day without illegal immigrantsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ was accompanied by the owners of companies that are predominantly illegal immigrant labor. Owner of this great company claims that the role of illegal immigrants should be recognized for their contributions in the U.S. economy. MALAYSIA AS A GOLD MINE The same scenario is also happening in this country, a total of 2.4 million reported (including illegal immigrants) are now focused on the most important sectors in generating economic growth; plantations, construction and manufacturing. Imagine the impact that would be borne by the countrys economy if foreign labor is taken away suddenly out of the three sectors? We recognize that the increase in crime rates lately is related with the influx of illegal immigrants. However, it is not easily resolved, as most people think. As usual, the turmoil raised involving illegal immigrants is due to the attitude of our people. Not many among us who are willing to do what is done by these foreign workers. In the plantation sector, for example, very few of us who are willing to sweat profusely under the hot sun compared to the foreign workers. Even in the construction sector, developers are complaining due to the shortage of local workers. In fact, the government does not have much choice in inhibiting crime by illegal immigrants. After all, hiring foreign labor is cheaper than domestic labor. Sometimes the attitude of employers who wants a big profit also contributes to this problem. For example, the act of employing 1,700 workers who had completed their work permits by the glove manufacturers who are listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysias, which is Top Glove Corporation Bhd. There is a probability that there are many more employers involved in such activities, but cannot be detected by the authorities. In addressing the problem of crime by illegal immigrants, the measures to be taken should not be detrimental to any party. We need to recognize that the services of foreign workers are needed to generate our economy. What can be done now is to restrict the entry of new immigrants, and at the same time ensure that existing illegal immigrants have legal status. If the rising crime rate is said to be linked to an influx of immigrants, other than to obstruct them in detention, a more drastic measure needs to be taken in the long term. Research in Australia (a country which is flooded by immigrants from Asia) found that there is no increase in crime rates associated with this group. This is contrary to previous claims that the incidence of crime in the country has to do with Asian immigrants. The study found that contrary to the attitude of local residents to view with suspicion, resentment and fear (xenophobia) against Asian immigrants that contribute to crime. As a result of the attitudes of local residents who refuse to accept them in society, these immigrants feel isolated, frustrated then vent their anger by doing criminal acts against the local population. Thus, Australias migrant crime involving the public is more than a crime against property. The study of the phenomenon of crime and illegal immigrants in this country is to reduce negative perceptions and xenophobia against them and to be more prudent to accept them in society. FACTORS OF IMMIGRANT Some of these illegal immigrants are criminals who are required by the authorities in their home countries. They fled to Malaysia to escape the invasion of their home country authorities. Unfortunately, they continue to commit crimes here. Cases of robbery, murder, and rape often occur. Trauma victims will have to bear it all the time. Even some of the housing areas are broken into every night for a long period of time. This cause the local residents live in fear. A criminal case such as Indonesian citizens shot dead during a police raid is not unusual anymore. In fact, we had to deploy troops to Semporna, Sabah, to face the Filipino pirates who use sophisticated weapons to commit robbery in broad daylight. Attractions for lucrative income in Malaysia will lure foreign workers to take the necessary actions to get here, whether it is legal or not. Some use ant-lane on the border for national security, cheat educational studies passes, using a temporary visit passes and marry local citizens. There are many reasons why a lot of criminal cases involving foreign workers. Among them were financial difficulties. Living in a big city with a small income is a burden. It is not wrong if we assume that immigrants who are eager to get rich quickly without thinking about sin and the difficulties experienced by victims. Fighting among ethnic groups from the same countries also occur due to discontent and revenge. Sometimes little things can lead to death, just like what happened not long ago where an immigrant died because fighting to get into a toilet. This particular incident involved workers from Myanmar. Demand in critical sectors such as construction and farming is a description depends on the extreme nature of the construction workforce. Immigrantsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ total about 600,000 people can only give feedback and negative public perceptions of government. Government efforts, such as forgiveness, whipping and freezing of new recruitment of foreign workers have not prevented more illegal immigrants to make a living in this country. In fact, an increasing number of foreign workers, particularly immigrants who came to Malaysia show that there is a failure of prevention and control program to curb this problem. Intelligence agencies involved in enforcement actions have not been able to provide solutions to reduce the presence of these immigrants. Do we need to wait for the influx of foreign workers and immigrants to create chaos and spread diseases before finding a solution? Or is this phenomenon a side effect before we become a fully developed country by 2020? Similarly, cases of minor crimes such as theft, robbery, rape, steal, proximity and adultery are often heard. These additional activities have been disturbing the harmony of Malaysian society and motivate a small number of them to join together to accomplish a crime. In Kedah, for example, a husband and wife arrested for conspiracy because they were helping a group of immigrants from Kuala Lumpur to commit crimes, housebreaking and robbery. The result of these robberies and acts are equally distributed and continue to repeat from time to time until they are arrested. EFFECT Foreign embassies are not fully cooperating. Foreign embassies refuse to issue temporary travel documents to people so they can be sent back. Foreign embassies are also reluctant to finance the cost of repatriation. A lot of energy, money, and time are wasted in the governments efforts to prevent the entry of illegal immigrants. Some of those who have been working in this country are known to take business opportunities from local people. These conditions give a rise to dissatisfaction of local people who cannot wait for authorities to investigate and to take action, whether it is only a warning or thrashing the immigrants. Of course, they have a reason such as no permit, disturbing the local businessmen who have business licenses and the cleanliness of the food provided is not satisfactory. Eventually more foreign workers and immigrants opened their own village, send their children to government schools, using government health services and creating new slum areas. Infectious diseases will be spread widely. Illegal foreign workers will be subject to medical examination. Instead, illegal immigrants do not do so. Many of them came from rural areas in their home countries. Their health is less assured. Some of them suffer from AIDS, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and so forth. As a result, our people could be their victims. Statistics have shown that the number of people suffering from tuberculosis increased again. Many illegal immigrants are found to be carriers of HIV and hepatitis virus. Their sexual relationships with the local prostitutes will accelerate AIDS infection. PRECUATION To solve social problems posed by the Immigrants and foreign workers involves cooperation of three parties, namely the government, private sectors and the public. Here are the field, duties and responsibilities: a. Government. As the former agency, guards and implementing policy has a huge role to ensure the full inclusion of Immigrants barred. Government has the ability to form and control laws but poor in implementation. Even though there are many prevention programs being implemented, such as bleaching and amnesty programs, there are many illegal immigrants still smuggling into this country. Enforcement agencies have to work hard to curb the inflow of immigrants from all entrances to ensure no one enters the country illegally. b. Private sector. Responsible for ensuring their employees are involved in the construction and plantation sectors have valid work permits and to give priority of local workers. If they ignore the legitimate interests of workers, the occurrence of an employer who received TB can be avoided. This event shows those who want to get cheap labor without a medical examination, a migrant can spread the disease quietly. c. Society and company. Society can provide information and to cooperate with law enforcement agencies to facilitate the eradication operations from time to time. They should not think what will be rewarded if they cooperate because the responsibility of combating illegal immigration is also a part of their responsibility. The cooperation of the employer is required to assist the government for the common good. The authorities should have a comprehensive database system of immigrants in this country. Migrants sent home to their home countries may reduce some criminal charges, but this move is not good for economic growth. Unless people in this country who are still unemployed fulfill this place. CONCLUSION The entry of foreign workers into the country is a global phenomenon in todays era of the borderless world. We cannot prevent the entry of foreign workers because of their attractive offer such as cheap labor and the skills they possess. However, to curb the entry of foreign workers who do not want to register is a big challenge for us because they can trigger more serious social problems in the future. The three parties, namely the government, the private sectors and the public should collaborate and find solutions such as awareness programs to empower the grassroots and at the same time improving the role of law enforcement agencies so that Malaysia is free from illegal immigrants. Flood and overflow of illegal immigrants is a common thing now. We as people of Malaysia should miss the atmosphere of the early 1980s when it is difficult for us to see any illegal immigrants. As a Malaysian we must reaffirm the spirit of solidarity to protect our country from invasion regardless whether it is explicit or implicit.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problems teenagers face Essay
Acquiring an Identity and establishing self-esteem are two of the biggest obstacles that teenagers face. As children mature, they view themselves in more complicated ways. By the time they mature into teenagers they are able to give detailed psychological descriptions of themselves. Consequently, they become more interested in understanding their own personalities and why they behave the way they do. During the period of adolescence, feelings towards oneself change. Nonetheless, as individuals become more and more confident their self esteem increases. Most teenagers go through periods when they are unsure of who they truly are. When they reach adulthood it is more likely that these young adults have a better sense of their real personality then someone who didn’t go through this struggle. This is mostly do to the fact that if you have this problem at some point you tend to study who you really are and in the end know yourself better. A child who is popular is much less likely to go through this issue. As children get older and begin high school there is an increased importance of friends. As teenagers begin trusting and telling secrets to their friends, their relationship gains a sense of loyalty and obligation. When a teenagers finds him or herself thinking like a someone else it develops into a friendship. If a strong bond occurs with someone normally of the opposite sex dating might occur. Dating is a very loose word which can mean many different things. It can mean going out in a group to have fun, going out in a group to get to know each other, or just two people going out to see a movie. After feelings have grown between two people they sometimes experiment sexually with each other. Most teenagers’ first practice with sex does not involve another person. Many young adults have sexually related fantasies about someone they know (or someone they don’t know for that matter). It is also fairly common for adolescents to masturbate. When many adolescents have reached high school, they have had some experience with intimate sexual contact, such as kissing, caressing, or sexual intercourse. In the 80’s it was common to become sexually active young, however now it seems as though that rate is slowing down. Judaism and many other religions look down on sexual activity or anything of that nature before marriage. Sexuality is only one of the main issues that high-schoolers face. Another main concern in a teenager’s life is school. The school day and the school atmosphere is much more treacherous then it was in elementary school. When they were younger children very few classrooms and they were â€Å"taken care of†by one or two teachers. In high school, children tend to have a different teacher for each subject. This puts a huge strain on kids.Also, in elementary school, children work with their teachers all day. Once they are in Junior high they need to learn how to manage their time alone. This can put a huge dent in people self esteem. Because they are so stresses their interest in other things may decline which only makes the situation worse. The only way to try to avoid this is to prepare ahead of time for it. That way you will expect it and be ready for the change. Another huge problem that teenagers face is alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are big issues in many schools. Adolescents tend to experiment to fit in with their friends. Teenagers may see smoking or drinking a gateway to popularity. There are many more reasons as to why children try drugs, alcohol, and cigarrettes, but that is one of the immense reasons Establishing a sexual identity is another huge concern in the eyes of teenagers. Sexual identity mainly means who you are attracted to (Same/Opposite sex). People whose own sex appeals to them are called homosexuals/lesbian. People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called heterosexual. When most children enter high school they are spending most of their time with the same sex. An outcome to this would be that many adolescents begin to experience sexual feelings before they come close to anyone of the opposite sex. This only means that their sexual development is beyond their social development. This isn’t always an obstacle but it is something all maturing teenagers face. Eating disorders is one of the most serious obstacles that teenagers face. Some adolescents, especially females, become so concerned about weight and their looks that they take drastic and dangerous measures to remain thin. The most common practice of this is causing yourself to throw up.This is called bulimia. Young women with a disorder called anorexia nervosa starve themselves to keep their weight low. These people view themselves as overweight when they are actually thin. Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are uncommon until one is a teenager and after one is 21. Their are many issues that teenagers face and they all, in one way or another, effect that child’s self esteem. Almost every aspect of maturing for a teenager can cause stress. It is a very sensitive and important time for all human beings.Every year more and more is being done to prevent the stress we face but there is still much more work to be done.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Nietzsche and the Superman
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche has four themes: nihilism, morality, the will to power, and eternal recurrence. It is important to know and to understand first these themes so as to comprehend the value of Nietzsche proclaiming the struggle to be a superman. Nietzsche perceives nihilism as the product of an accelerating corrosion of religious and cultural beliefs at the heart of European civilization at the end of the 19th century. Thinkers during the Enlightenment period, who uphold the supremacy of reason over faith, challenge supernatural truths, demanding explanations of the afterlife, the soul, and God that are amenable to human logic and the senses. This mode of thinking seriously challenge and influence to undermine the basic tenets of Christianity and European culture. The statement of Nietzsche, â€Å"God is dead,†is the greatest expression of nihilism. From a viewpoint that God is none existent, Nietzsche sees man’s life as characterized by an aimless relativity that is experienced by him in every sphere of reality – cultural, political, historical, and philosophical. God, considered to be a supreme value, no longer exists. When the highest values consequently become devalued or rejected, nihilism emerges. A case in point, if a supreme value is non-existent, what is there that serves as basis for the existence of things? Man is therefore incapacitated to arrive at certainty about knowledge of reality or of his world. The highest values become devalued not in the sense that man knowingly confronts an eternal abyss in fear and trembling, but the highest values simply no longer exist. These values no longer exert influence. Man accepts this event not with stoic resignation but in total unawareness (Magnus, 1978: 11). Man lives in a society, and is bound by its conventions. When he is born, given to him are his race or ethnicity, status, and role to fulfill in society. Man takes these things and lives his life according to these, often done unconsciously. The second theme of Nietzsche’s philosophy is the master and slave morality. The master morality is born out of higher qualities inherent in the greatest men. Moral judgments are made according to the qualities of the person and not to his actions. A noble statesman is always deemed good, someone who is worth emulating. On the one hand, slave morality is an almost unconscious condition that holds sway over the vast majority of men. The moral standard is that which is useful or beneficial for the many or for the community. The noble statesman, who is deemed good by the standards of master morality, is judged as vile according to the standards of slave morality. Majority of men are suspicious of the leaders that rule over them, and are influenced not immediately because their actions but by their role of ruling over the majority. This value system is an unfortunate vestige of millennia-old social and religious systems, which perpetuate outdated and corrupt moral values such as humility, sympathy, and the like (Magnus, 1978). Nihilism is a life without depth. It is a life of endless wandering, moreover with the fact that man is often unconscious of it. Man hence has to be made to see that this nihilism is the form of life that he has become. He has become a slave, who is one among the many. He must come to know that he lives a passive nihilism, submitting to the fate of the many, and must overcome this, which is to become a master. He must overcome himself. Indeed to change man’s nihilistic idea, he has to change his habitual way of viewing the world. He has to transform his way of understanding religions, moral behavior, language, and political and social institutions of which he is a part (Magnus, 1978: 12). This is where the superman of Nietzsche gains significance. Since the highest values no longer exert influence, Nietzsche proclaims that men have to struggle to become the superman. The superman represents ascending to life, self-overcoming, self-possession, and is to be contrasted with decadence, decomposition, and weakness. As an idealized type, he represents the highest possible integration of intelligence, strength of character and will, autonomy, passion, taste and perhaps even of physical prowess (Magnus, 1978: 34). The task of the superman is to become individuated in an extreme degree and thus to rise high above morality and the herd morality. Man has to question conventional truths that have been accepted by society, and for him to in fact rise above these truths. He has to formulate those high values for himself, and thus end his aimless wandering. There are three steps that Nietzsche espouses in struggling to become a superman. In his book Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche portrays this struggle as the metamorphoses of the camel, the lion, and the child. First is that one must exert a will to power which is demonstrated in that person’s extinguishing of his nihilism and in a profound reevaluation of traditional moral ideas and the creation of radical new concepts. For this to be realized, one has to be immersed as an active agent with the structure in which one finds himself. Referring to the camel, it submits to burdensome labor. It offers itself to be employed in order for society to attain its good. In doing this, the camel realizes itself and acknowledges its value in that society. Upon realizing that one’s value or worth is endowed by society instead of emanating from oneself, the will to power must also manifest itself destructively in the form of an abhorrence and total rejection of the moral and social ideas hitherto believed by mankind. â€Å"In the loneliest desert, however, the second metamorphoses occurs, here the spirit becomes a lion which would conquer its freedom and be master in its own desert. Here it seeks out its last master: it wants to fight and its last god; for ultimate victory it wants to fight with the great dragon.†(Nietzsche, 2006: 14) Referring to the lion, it projects pride, strength, autonomy, and passion to assert and to distinguish itself among the many. It strives to dominate or to be above the rest. â€Å"My brothers, why is there a need in the spirit for the lion? †¦to create new values†¦that is within the power of the lion. The creation of freedom for oneself and a sacred â€Å"No†even to duty – for that my brothers the lion is needed.†(Nietzsche, 2006: 15) Last is that one must perpetually involve himself in an act of self-overcoming. The will to power is a struggle both against oneself and other men that have adhered to conventions in society. Referring to the child, he is free from internal constraints. He is emancipated from the cares of this world. â€Å"†¦my brothers, what can the child do that even the lion could not do?†¦A child is innocence and forgetting, a new beginning, a game, a self-propelled wheel, a first movement, a sacred Yes. For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred â€Å"Yes†is needed: the spirit now wills its own will, and he who had been lost to the world now conquers his own world.†(Nietzsche, 2006: 15) A child creates and possesses his own values and sees the world according to these values. To become a child, to have a freedom like his, this is man has to struggle for. The last theme in Nietzche’s philosophy is eternal recurrence. This is his central and most famous philosophical idea. This his conviction that at some time in the future another individual would be born with precisely the same thought-processes and experiences as himself. Furthermore, Nietzsche’s principle of love of fate is purely antithetical to religion: rather than live your life in preparation for such supernatural illusions as heaven, one must rather embrace this life and wish every feature and moment of it to be repeated forever, since only this life exist and none other. This idea may be horrifying and paralyzing for most people but it is a necessary conviction for the attainment of full individuation. II The struggle to become a superman arises from an external force, that is social structures, and from an internal force, that is emanating from the individual. Man is born free, yet he is situated in a massive and oppressive social structure, which limits and alienates his activities. He lives with a set of beliefs and values that influence his thoughts and actions. But are these beliefs and values that he adheres to are instilled consciously by him? Not all, and even most of these beliefs and values are already present when he was born. He is born in a family, baptized or inducted into a particular religion, taught with customs and traditions of his native place, bounded to the laws of his people or nation, and the like. As he matures, he takes these beliefs and values into himself without much evaluation since these are what he got to grow up with and such are the conventions that his society got used to live with. He is born a peasant or a working class. He would be taught or trained to be a worker; would have a family and would pass his learning to his children. He would unfortunately die a peasant or a working class. This is what usually happens to man. This is the curse of the many. Is man totally free then? The answer is that an individual has the capacity to go beyond the present, to move toward the future. Man has the capacity to choose and decide for himself. What he does ought to be determined by him and not by the social laws or larger social structures wherein he is situated. Though he lives in a society, he is not bounded by its conventions. Man has the prerogative for transcendence, the surpassing of the given. Freedom however demands that man be responsible for it. It is simply to take the consequences of choice. People are free to choose for themselves or to decide for their lives. They are responsible for everything they do. They have no excuses for the outcomes of their choice. And that is the staggering responsibilities of freedom, which cause anguish to some while a source of optimism to those who see their fate in their hands. The struggle to become a superman involves that anguish because due to the staggering resonsbilities of freedom. Friedrich Nietzsche in his work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, has wrote: â€Å"The Superman is the meaning of the Earth. Let your will say: The Superman shall be the meaning of the Earth! I conjure you, my brethren, remain true to the Earth, and believe not those who speak unto you of superearthly hopes! Poisoners are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them!†(Nietzsche, 2006:4) It is a challenge to question a universal system of thought that reveals what is true, right, beautiful, and so on that led to the closure of philosophy and the human sciences. It is to challenge convention. â€Å"Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman – a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfarign, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting. I love him who lived in order to know, and seek to know in order that the Superman may hereafter live. Thus seek he his own down-going.†(Nietzsche, 2006: 6) Life is a theatre, and we are the actors. We can choose to play our own roles, and not be determined by the roles that are given to us by society. That is the Superman. REFERENCES Magnus, Bernard (1978). Nietzsche's Existential Imperative. United States: Indiana University Press. Nietzche, F. (2006 ed.) Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  Â
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Personal Perspective of Nursing - 1342 Words
Introduction Healthcare delivery and management especially hospital care has changed dramatically over the years. In the past, the scope of Healthcare included physicians who diagnosed and treated disease. This scope left nurses and other providers out of place while they struggle to define their roles. This in fact, raises many questions. Is nursing dependent on what physicians wanted? Also, does nursing require other specialized knowledge and skill that is different from other healthcare providers? (Manson, Iscaacs, Colby, 2011). These questions became difficult to answer especially when nursing is define without embracing the physical, emotional, psychological, and social needs which are critical to delivering supportive care. The objective of this paper is to generally discuss nursing as perceived by some pioneers and specifically, it seeks to take the view that nursing is critical to effective healthcare delivery, and nursing is not just any profession. What is Nursing? Nursing has been viewed from different perspectives both from pre-historic and contemporary times. To clearly understand this concept, it is important to look at the perspectives of champions of the profession. Florence Nightingale as quoted by Gasalberti, (2013) suggests Nightingale in her article â€Å"Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not†noted that â€Å"nursing is creating the conditions for nature to take its course in healing a person†. Gasalberti, (2013) explained that the issue of creating theShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy Of Nursing Is The Essence Of A Successful991 Words  | 4 PagesThe philosophy of nursing is the essence of a successful health care practice. The idea of helping patients lies in the understanding of their needs. It is the approach that helps me to perceive the nature of a successful nursing practice. In fact, the best health care professionals are as people know them since they have their personal philosophy of nursing. 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Through the use of the nursing metaparadigm of person, health, environment and nursing, she elaborates on their importance to her in relationRead MoreTreating the Patient is Treating the Family: Using Orems Theory of Self-Care in Family Nursing Practice1049 Words  | 4 PagesUsing Orems theory of self-care in family nursing practice Introduction The nursing process does not merely treat the patient as a physical body, but rather treats the patient holistically. The central philosophy of Dorothea Orems self-care deficit nursing theory is that all patients want to care for themselves, and they are able to recover more quickly and holistically by performing their own self-care as much as theyre able (Dorothea Orem, 2012, Nursing Theory). 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