Saturday, May 23, 2020
My Trip to the Abortion Clinic Essay examples - 1003 Words
When my college roommate, Sandra, came out of the bathroom with her pregnancy test and this funny expression on her face, we just knew she was pregnant. Teen pregnancy is a common occurrence, and, yes, it can happen to you. People in general seem to have an idea of the stereotypical teen that becomes pregnant; uneducated, low-income, or easy. Sandra, however, is attending a very good four year university, was raised in an upper middle class family and is also a peer educator. She gives seminars on birth control and STD prevention and knows all the risks involved in having sex. Sandra claims to have always used a condom during intercourse. However, she was not taking birth control. Due mostly to human error, there is a 14% chance of†¦show more content†¦That is where I came in. Being her roommate as well as a close friend, I agreed to take her to the abortion clinic. Sandras appointment was scheduled for 8 oclock on a Saturday morning. We arrived, and after passing through security, where they checked our bags and scanned us with a metal detector, we proceeded inside. When she checked in, I had to sign a paper saying that I would be the one to drive her home. You may think that an abortion is a quick process where you go in, have the procedure and are then released. Wrong. While the actual abortion only takes about ten minutes, the clerk told me to be prepared to wait anywhere from four to six hours. What would Sandra be doing for four to six hours I wondered? I supposed that I would find out soon enough. During my five-hour wait at the clinic, I had plenty of time to observe my surroundings. This was not a cheap, rundown, scary clinic. It was bright, white, with comfortable couches and chairs to sit on, and plenty of magazines to read. The people there were of all ethnic backgrounds, all very normal people. I saw women of all ages come out of the operating room, from fourteen to forty. I saw everyone from nervous boyfriends and friends to anxious husbands and parents in the waiting room. The atmosphere of this waiting room was not like the atmosphere in a regular hospital waiting room. It was extremely silent, except for the occasional voice of the receptionist. MostShow MoreRelatedThe Controversial Issue Of Abortion1683 Words  | 7 Pageshear the most controversial abortion case they have in a decade. The 2013 Texas House Bill 3994, was challenged due to indications that it may be unconstitutional and violate the â€Å"Undue Burden Clause†in the US Constitution, which st ates that a law cannot be restrictive or burdensome of one’s fundamental rights as a human and US citizen. With roughly half of the total 41 clinics closing after the law passed in 2013, women are now waiting longer and paying more for abortions (Goodnough, 2016). 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
E Commerce Industry Approach And Strategies Adopted Essay
Nature of Business: †¢ With just a few clicks one can order from a wide variety of delicious online cuisines. †¢ Target audience almost anyone with an android phone. †¢ Food e-commerce Industry. Approach and strategies adopted 1.Email Marketing: As email marketing is one of the best ways to retarget the customers and they are using it pretty well. With big brands, great discounts food festivals, they make sure that they always have something new for the customer. They always make sure that a customer’s first experience is something that the customer appreciates and remembers. Retargeting customers with alluring offers like this have been a great strategy and helped them to stay connected. 2.Social Media Marketing: used this campaign as a part of digital marketing strategies to allure the customers Objectives of this Campaign: †¢ It was a promotional campaign to increase visibility and sales. To attract customers and to gain their trust. Execution: People need to use the code â€Å"IPAD†while placing the order online, and this makes them eligible for the content. The more times you order, increases your chances for winning the iPad. There is no limit on number of entries per person. Positives Use Social Media to increase sales on the website. By not limiting entries per person, makes users participate multiple times to increase their chances on winning. A good number of people order food online, owing to the restaurant and cuisine options available. Conclusion To bestShow MoreRelatedOnline Marketing Of The Tourism Industry1091 Words  | 5 Pages ONLINE MARKETING IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY Name - Davender Singh Professor - Dr Frank Moisiadis Sub - HI 6007- Statistics and Research Methods for Business Decisions Date – 04/09/2105 Online Marketing in the Tourism Industry Research Problem The research seeks to determine ways that online advertising have affected tourism in Australia. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Overpopulation of the World and the Problems It Creates Free Essays
Overpopulation of the World and the Problems it Creates The world is faced with growing conservation problems daily, most of which are caused by an increasing population. In order to deal with the problems of overpopulation, the world needs to consider minimizing consumption, lowering waste byproducts, and keeping a hand on land management. Consumption is the act of using resources at an uncontrolled rate. We will write a custom essay sample on Overpopulation of the World and the Problems It Creates or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is mainly the result of overpopulation. The population of the world is growing by approximately 212,970 people per day and is said to reach nine billion people by 2040 (World Population). As the population increases at this rapid rate, the demand for food, water, and shelter will also rise just as quickly. Since the demand for goods like electricity and fuels also increase, we should consider using a more conservational method to create these items by using more abundant and replaceable resources. Water is the most abundant resources on the planet. Instead of using petroleum based fuels to run cars, we should use water. Scientists have already developed hydrogen powered vehicles such as cars, busses, scooters, and tractors (NREL). Another alternative for fueling cars are crops like corn that produce ethanol. Electricity is going to one of the most demanded items as the population grows. In some places, fuels are being used to create energy. Instead, abundant resources like sunlight, wind, and water should be used to generate all the electricity that is consumed. But, even with these methods of producing a â€Å"cleaner†energy supply, the general population will have to contribute to the conservation of the energy. Some simple things that people can do is :lower thermostats, use energy efficient bulbs, use drip irrigation to water flowers and fruits, use solar energy to dry clothes, and create a compost to dispose of that waste instead of throwing it away. As the population is growing, the amount of waste that is produced from the consumption will increase at a much more rapid pace. Each person per day produces about 4. 4 pounds of waste. The majority of this waste is thrown away in the trashcan, which is set at the curb to be picked up by a diesel truck polluting the air and using energy, only to end up in a andfill. With the increase in needs of food and other items, more and more trash will result. Recycling is the best way to fix this problem and keep 95% of trash out of landfills. It is projected that Americans will throw away over 11 million tons of glass bottles and jars 1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil more than1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil, over 4 and a half million tons of paper and nearly 10 million tons of newspaper (Center). Almost all of this material could be recycled, saving millions of trees and over 100% combined energy that is used to make new products. Businesses can also play their part in recycling things such as cooking oil that could be used as fuel in a vehicle. If we do not engage in actions to clean up the present landfills and prevent future ones, we could possibly be looking at problems such as contaminated water and soil. Land management goes along side of both consumption and waste. As the population increases, more space will be needed for houses, hospitals, schools and businesses. As a result, we must make room by methods such as destroying forest and filling in lakes, rivers, and streams. To us we may only see trees and dirty, microorganism infested water, but these two ecosystem house millions of species of animals and plants that are vital to our survival on Earth. Research states that the earth was once covered by 5. 8 million to 6. 2 million square miles of forest. Today only 2. million to 3 million square miles of forest still remains (Nielsen). By destroying these bionetworks, plants and animals become endangered and maybe even extinct. As a result, this causes entire ecosystems to collapse. Without plants, animals die and without plants and animals, the human species can no longer eat or breathe, therefore, becoming extinct itself. Humans can take control of this growing problem by considering options like apartment buildings or larger skyscrapers to t hings like online schools and e-shopping. Without a doubt, the population of the world is going to continue to grow, but that does not mean that the problems dealing with consumption, waste, and land management has to also. If we could use nature made goods like sunlight, water, and wind, we could reduce the amount of energy consumed, decrease the amount of waste produced, and decrease the amount of land destroyed that is needed to serve the population. Works Cited 7 Environmental Problems that were Worse than we Thought. 3 Feb 2008. 23 Feb 2010 . Alexander, Kathleen. Tree Benefits. 23 Feb 2010 . Bureau, U. S. Census. â€Å"Global Population Growth. †2002. 23 Feb 2010 . Center, University of Colorado Environmental. CU Environmental Center. 2008. 23 Feb 2010 . National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL – Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research. 29 Sept 2009. 24 Feb 2010. Nielsen, Ron. The Little Green Handbook: Seven Trends Shaping the Future of Our Planet. New York: Picador, 2006. Today’s Top Global Environment Issues. 23 Feb 2010 . World Population Prospects-The 2008 Revision Population Database. 2008. 24 Feb 2010 How to cite Overpopulation of the World and the Problems It Creates, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Ethics for Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theEthics for Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability. Answer: In view of the complexities in the business process and its dynamic nature, unethical practices and cases of frauds have increased significant. This has necessitates organization to adopt stringent policies that would help the management to effectively minimize any potential threats. Notably, a large amount of database is dealt with in the normal course of business. Thus, an organization remains at a constant threat of breach of confidential information (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). In this regards, organizations are required to hire security experts that helps in prevention of such contingencies. In context to this, it is noted in the case study, Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO is faced with an ethical dilemma in regards to hiring of Harry, one of the former employees of the organization. Notably, Harry was previously sacked by Brockley when it was found that harry was involved in working of his own in addition to his employment at FABIO. However, the owner of FABIO, Iris Bigg showed her interest to hire Lock Smith, another name of Harry. In this regards, the executive head of the organization is faced with an ethical dilemma and needs to take into consider all the factors that may affect his decision (Ford Richardson, 2013). Ethical analysis and decision-making process Understanding of the situation a) The relevant facts of the case study includes, Harry was one of the former employees at FABIO A software designed by Harry was rejected by the Jill, the head of IT department of FABIO Harry was sacked by Jill on account of working independently alongside his employment at FABIO b) Ethical issue: Ethical issues in regards to sacking of Harry from the organization Ethical dilemma regarding rehiring of Harry on request of the owner of the organization c) The stakeholders involves are as follows: Harry, one of the former employees at Fabio Inc Jill, head of IT department of FABIO Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO Iris Bigg, owner of FABIO Isolation of Ethical dilemma The ethical issue in regards to the case study includes, sacking of harry, one of the employees of the organization on vague reasons. In addition to that, the executive head of the IT department is faced with an ethical dilemma in regards to rehiring of Harry on request of the owner of the department (Crane Matten, 2016). Consequentialism: If any action is taken in regards to the issues identified above, it may lead to serious consequences. If Harry is rehired, it is likely that, he will not be enthusiast in working with the same interest in the organization. If any action is taken in regards to the issues identified above, the parties that will be affected most are Jill, head of IT department of FABIO and Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO. In order to mitigate the issues that has arised in FABIO in light of the current incidents, it would be feasible for Brockley Smetherton to explain the facts o the current situation to Iris and seek her suggestions on the matter (Trevino, L. K., Nelson, K2016). If any action is taken in regards to the issues identified above, the most benefitted person will be Harry. If any action is taken in regards to the issues identified above, the most benefitted persons will be Brockley Smetherton and Jill. It would be feasible for Brockley Smetherton to explain the facts o the current situation to Iris and seek her suggestions on the matter. Accordingly, decision to rehire Harry must be taken (Crane Matten, 2016).. Rights and Duties: List of relevant abridged rights and neglected duties: Duties of Harry as an employees of the organizations Abridge of rights of an employee of the organization Kants Categorical Imperative: If any action is not taken in regards to the issues identified above, the person that may be treated with disrespect is Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO. If any action is not taken in regards to the issues identified above, the person that may be treated with disrespect is Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO. The option to rehire Harry as an employee of the organization would be viable and is the best alternative for the management. If any action is taken in regards to the issues identified above, the person that may be treated unlike others is Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO. If any action is not taken in regards to the issues identified above, the person that may be treated unlike others is Harry, one of the former employees of the organization The option to rehire Harry as an employee of the organization would be viable and is the best alternative for the management. The benefits that may be reaped if action is taken in regards to rehire of Harry, includes recruitment of an efficient employee, expertise knowledge of Harry, effective management of business operations. If harry is not hired as requested by the owner of the organization, then the organization may lose one of the efficient employees of the organization. The option to recruit Harry in the organization is a significant one and thus, would acts as the best alternative of the organization. Making a decision A defensible ethical decision In regards to the issues identified in the case study, it would be ethical for Brockley Smetherton, the Executive head of IT department at FABIO to explain the entire relevant facts o the current situations in the organization to Iris and seek for her advice in context to hiring of Harry (Craft, 2013). Steps to implement the ethical decision The steps that are needed to be implemented are as follows: Critical analysis of the current organizational situation Identification of all the best possible options available Consultation with the owner of the organization in regards to decision making Reference list Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Craft, J. L. (2013). A review of the empirical ethical decision-making literature: 20042011.Journal of Business Ethics,117(2), 221-259. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Trevino, L. K., Nelson, K. A. (2016).Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley Sons.
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